Reaching children in Africa
with the good news of Jesus Christ!
Reaching Africa through imaginative media projects, in particular our popular Tommy Time puppetry programmes!
Tommy Time has being aired in several countries across Africa, bringing a Christian message of hope, right into homes across the continent!
Mwana Mission seeks to bring the good news and discipleship training to children through weekly after-school missions.
Working alongside local churches, the missions aim to reach unchurched children in impoverished communities – bringing the Gospel of a future and a hope.
Mwana Action is committed to investing in the next generation by helping orphaned or destitute children access an education.
A percentage of all donations received will go to support orphaned or vulnerable children by providing the necessary funds for school education.
Mwana Ministries is a Scottish Charity that seeks to improve the lives of children in Africa by reaching them with the good news of Jesus Christ and providing opportunities to further their education.
Mwana Ministries was founded, and is led, by Janey Mukomba, who works with a wonderful team of staff and volunteers to deliver projects. Janey lives in Lusaka, Zambia.
The three arms of the charity encompass Mwana Media, Mwana Mission and Mwana Action.

It's Tommy Time!!
Tommy Time has been a leading part of Mwana Media. Tommy Time is a puppet show that has been reaching into homes across Southern Africa with the message of Jesus: life, hope and redemption!
Tommy Time brings many positive messages for kids and adults alike, and the response from both adults and children was very positive.
The message of Jesus will never change but our means of sharing that message needs to change according to the culture. Today, children and youth in Africa are found on phones accessing Youtube, Tik Tok, Facebook and the likes. Mwana Media is working on new content to ensure the message is able to reach out to more children in the most effective ways.