December 2016 – Newsletter

I was wakened this morning at 5am to a loud noise outside. It wasn’t the neighbours’ dogs (who usually wake me) or a car or a person, but a vast selection of birds, crickets, unusually insects all praising the Lord very loudly! Some insects come alive after the first rains which we had just a few days ago. As I was marvelling at God’s creation, I was reminded that although the animals and insects are amazing they should never be esteemed higher than God’s ultimate creation – mankind. No animal has the ability to love like we can. No animal can create things like we can, no animal can communicate like we can. That’s why we can know we are made in God’s image.
He has created us all for a unique purpose and crucially to be in relationship with Him, our loving father. The more we know that our Father loves us, the less we need to worry about the struggles and problems that we face on a daily basis.

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